Helpcenter - Frequently asked Questions

Where is my delivery?

Our power meters, M-Bus data loggers, current transformers and energy management accessories are shipped from our warehouse in Gotha by DHL.
The current delivery status to your customer account. These are always live and are actively updated by us. As soon as your product has been shipped you will receive an email with the tracking number.
Unfortunately, we can not provide you with a tracking link for all deliveries, such as letter mail or large deliveries directly from our factory in Switzerland.

Why does my order remain on "in process"?

  • You have several products with different delivery times in your order. For ecological reasons your order will only be shipped when all products of your order are ready for shipment.
  • Or you have chosen the payment method "cash in advance": Your order will be shipped as soon as we have received and processed your payment. This may take 1-2 business days.

Mike - January 29, 2022 13:27 - 2533 Views